Urgent appointments available for: raised PSA, Prostate Cancer, Kidney Stones.
Telehealth Available.
Providing Excellence in Urology Care for Men & Women

MBBS (Hons) FRACS (Urology)
Dr Mariolyn Raj is a Melbourne Urologist who provides individualised surgical treatment for men and women with benign and malignant urological conditions.
She has extensive experience in surgery for kidney stone disease, benign prostate enlargement as well as prostate cancer.
Mariolyn is able to offer multidisciplinary team care from diagnosis to treatment; for patients with urological cancers including prostate, bladder, kidney & testis.
She performs urodynamics assessment for bladder dysfunction and overactive bladder and offers up-to-date treatments including urolift & bladder botox.
Dr Mariolyn Raj is committed to fostering excellence in surgical education and training through her role as an educator and committee member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
Dr Raj’s research has been published widely on numerous aspects of urological surgery and she presents her research at national and international scientific conferences annually.
Providing Excellence in Urology Care for Men & Women

MBBS (Hons) FRACS (Urology)
Dr Mariolyn Raj is a Melbourne Urologist who provides individualised surgical treatment for men & women with benign & malignant urological conditions.
She has extensive experience in surgery for Kidney Stone Disease, Benign Prostate Enlargement & Prostate Cancer.
Mariolyn offers Multidisciplinary Team care from; diagnosis to treatment; for patients with Urological cancers; including Prostate, Bladder, Kidney & Testis cancer.
She performs Urodynamics assessment for Bladder Dysfunction & Overactive Bladder & offers up to date treatments including Urolift & Bladder Botox.
Dr Mariolyn Raj is committed to fostering excellence in surgical education & training through her role as an educator & committee member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
She has published widely on numerous aspects of urological surgery, & presents her research at both national & international scientific conferences annually.
Ph: (03) 9805 4381
Room 3, Ground Floor
Epworth Consulting Suites
888 Toorak Road, Camberwell
Victoria, 3124.
View Map
PH: (03) 9805 4381 FAX: (03) 9805 4397
9am – 5pm
Consultation fees are payable on day of attendance.
This practice accepts all credit cards, cheques and cash.
This practice does not bulk bill.
This practice offers Medicare Online and Medicare Ezyclaim.
This practices charges the AMA scheduled fees for all surgical procedures.

Our practice focuses on delivery of personalized urology care for every patient.
For some patients this will require the input of a multidisciplinary team of highly skilled professionals who work alongside Dr Mariolyn Raj.
Our team includes:
Dr. Mario Guerrieri – Radiation Oncologist
Dr. Shirley Wong- Medical Oncologist
Dr. Mikkaela McCormack- Pathologist

Dr Mariolyn Raj is an experienced Melbourne based Urologist who provides personalised surgical care for men & women with Urological conditions.
Mariolyn specialises in the treatment of the following urological conditions:
- renal stone disease including treatment using laser lithotripsy, shockwave lithotripsy & Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
- Prostate cancer – diagnosis & treatment
- Benign prostate hypertrophy – diagnosis & treatment including TURP, Green-light laser surgery & Urolift procedure
- Kidney, Bladder & Testicular Cancer- diagnosis & treatment
- Hematuria – diagnosis & treatment
- Overactive Bladder – diagnosis & treatment including Botox Injections
- Urodynamamics Testing for bladder dysfunction & incontinence
- Male sterilization- Vasectomy
Mariolyn obtained Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery Degree with First Class Honors from Monash University, Melbourne in 2002. She received numerous prizes for academic achievement during her medical degree.
She has undertaken surgical training both within Australia & Internationally at St Thomas’ & King’s College London. She has also undertaken further training in both laparoscopic surgery & robotics surgery in Taiwan, Italy & the United States.
Mariolyn received her Fellowship in Urology from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2013.
She currently holds Consultant Urologist positions in private & public hospitals in Melbourne including: Epworth, Freemasons, St Vincent’s Private Werribee, Western Public, & Mitcham Private Hospital
She is a Fellow of the Urological Society of Australasia, The American Urological Association, and The British Urological Society & International Continence Society.
Mariolyn is a passionate advocate for upholding & maintaining the highest standards of surgical care for all patients and is actively committed to surgical education, training & clinical research. She is a Member of the following Committees: College of Surgeons Victorian Regional Committee, Early Management of Severe Trauma Committee, Medical Advisory Committee -St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Western Health Drug & Therapeutics Committee.
Dr Mariolyn Raj - Urologist


Specialist | Urology Surgeon
"Lead Coder"
Individualised Patient Care
"Lead Coder"
Multidisciplinary Surgical Care
"Lead Coder"
Laparascopic | Robotic Surgery

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